
3.2.3. Removal and installation of the fuel pump of high pressure

Installation sites of the bolts blocking a pulley of the fuel pump of high pressure

1 – the bolts blocking a pulley of the fuel pump of high pressure

Fastening of the fuel pump of high pressure

1 – fastening bolts,

2 – back arm

Knot of the air filter

1 – filter case,
2 – the filtering element,
3 – the inlet channel of the engine without pressurization,
4 – inlet channels of the engine with a turbo-supercharging,
5 – turbocompressor,
6 – the air channel of the engine without pressurization,
7 – the air channel of the engine with a turbo-supercharging


XUD 9 engine
1. Remove an air division element.
THAT XUD 7 engine
2. Remove a turbo-supercharging air radiator, and also the air channel which is between the air filter and a turbocompressor.
3. Remove injection pipelines, and also mechanical and electric connections of the pump.
4. Remove the top casing of the drive and take it, moving forward, and then up.
5. Unscrew glow plugs.
6. Turn a bent shaft to the provision of fixing of the fuel pump of high pressure.
7. Record a pump pulley by means of two bolts of M8 (1) (see rice. Installation sites of the bolts blocking a pulley of the fuel pump of high pressure), wrapping bolts a hand:
      – in the pump Bosch – M8x125x35;
      – in the pump Roto Diesel – M8x125x30.
8. Unscrew three nuts of fastening of the pump in a forward part, and also the back screw of fastening of the pump.
9. Unscrew nuts of fastening of a pulley of the fuel pump of high pressure.
10. Remove a pulley from the pump.
11. Turn the pump outside.
12. Take the pump.


1. Remove a cuff of tightening of a pulley of the pump (2 bolts).
2. Install the pump on the appropriate place, inclining it forward. It is necessary to pay attention to the correct provision of a shponochny groove on a pulley (it is specified by an arrow).
3. Put a hand three clamps of fastening of the pump in a forward part, and also a back bolt of fastening of the pump.
4. Establish a nut of a pulley on the appropriate place and tighten its moment 50 Nanometers.
5. Fix a cuff of tightening of a pulley (2 bolts).
6. Unscrew two bolts of fixing of a pulley (it is not necessary to rotate a bent shaft of the engine).
7. Correctly determine the injection moment.