
8.2.5. Cable of the choice of transfers

Selector cable


1. To lift a forward part of the car and to record on supports. To install the selector lever in situation "P".
2. For improvement of access to remove the accumulator, a support of the accumulator and a suspension bracket of installation.
3. To remove the central console.
4. To disconnect a cable from the lever of the selector and a suspension bracket of installation.
5. On the transmission to unscrew two screws of fastening of a cover of a cable to an arm and to remove the spherical hinge of a cable from the selector lever. Not to move the selector lever at the removed cable.
6. To disconnect a selector cable from fastening brackets.
7. To remove the rubber condensing ring from a partition and to take a selector cable in a motor compartment.

Adjustment of the drive of the selector

1 – cable tip,

2 – spherical hinge of the lever of the selector,

3 – lock-nuts of adjustment of a cover of a cable


Installation is made in the sequence, the return to removal then it is necessary to make adjustment of a cable of the selector.