1. To remove a gear wheel of the 5th transfer and the bearing by means of a stripper (if it is necessary). |
2. To remove the block of gear wheels 3 and 4 transfers, a gear wheel 2 transfers and its plug, and also the synchronizer of 1-2 transfers. |
3. To remove a gear wheel of 1 transfer, the basic needle bearing, and also the ring fixing the bearing. |
4. To protect the end of a shaft by means of a nut and to remove the bearing on the press. |
5. To replace the bearing with new and to establish it on a shaft on the press. For this purpose it is necessary to use a special tubular mandrel or adaptation 8.0317 E. |
6. To insert the ring fixing the bearing. To insert the basic needle bearing and a gear wheel of 1 transfer. |
7. To install the synchronizer of 1-2 transfers; raising of teeths of the synchronizer has to be directed towards the leading gear wheel of the main transfer. It is necessary to observe the designations of a nave and the sliding coupling executed during dismantling. |
8. To establish a gear wheel 2 transfers together with its plug. |
9. To install the block of gear wheels of 3 and 4 transfers. |
10. To install the bearing. The flute of a spring ring has to be directed outside. |