Driving belt of the camshaft
System of gas distribution1 – bent shaft, 2 – gas distribution drive pulley, 3 – gear belt, 4 – pump of cooling liquid, 5 – tension roller, 6 – eccentric screw, 7 – spring of a tension roller, 8 – camshaft pulley, 9 – camshaft, 10 – fastening bracket, |
11 – pusher, 12 – adjusting plate, 13 – spring, 14 – plate, 15 – crackers, 16 – maslootrazhatelny cap, 17 – final valve, 18 – gas distribution drive casing, 19 – inlet valve |
The gear belt puts the camshaft and the pump of the cooling system in action. At break of a belt there can be an impact of pistons about the valve and serious damage of the engine. Therefore it is necessary to make replacement of a belt in the ordered terms or in earlier terms if on a belt oil got or the belt has uneven wear.
Models 1580 of cm3 and 1905 cm3 with 8 valves till 1992 with the semi-automatic tension device of a belt
Not to use the car on long distances or to operate the engine at high frequencies of rotation, so far the tension of a belt is not correct.
Removal of a driving belt of the camshaft is necessary for performance of the following operations:
– removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders or camshaft;
– removal and installation of the pump of cooling liquid;
– removal and installation of a driving chain of the oil pump;
– removal and installation of a sealing ring of a bent shaft;
– adjustment of a gap of valves.
Cam and tip of the clown of a tension roller of a driving belt of the camshaft
Arrangement of a gear belt – cm3 model 1998 with 16 valves
1 – forward mechanism of a tension,
2 – back pulley of the mechanism of a tension,
3 – the provision of openings for fixing of pulleys of camshafts,
4 – an opening for fixing of a pulley of a bent shaft,
5 – the field of measurement of a tension of a belt (to use the special Peugeot tool)
Blocking of pulleys of camshafts in the cm3 engine 1998 with 16 valves
Pulleys of camshafts are specified by shooters.
1. To remove a weight wire from the accumulator.
2. To weaken and take off a driving belt of the generator.
3. To remove the top casing of a driving belt of the camshaft.
4. To remove a side casing.
5. By means of a bolt of a pulley to turn a bent shaft so that elements of the drive of gas distribution were established in the situation allowing to record them cores. For fixing of these elements it is necessary to use two special steel cores with a diameter of 10 mm and (adaptation 00163) 70 mm long.
6. To insert one core through a camshaft pulley, and the second through a pulley of a bent shaft (on a thickening the opening with a diameter of 10 mm is located).
7. To take cores.
8. To remove the lower plate closing a coupling case and to record a flywheel (for example, Facom D 86 adaptation).
9. To remove a pulley of a bent shaft.
10. To take Facom D 86 adaptation.
11. To remove plastic casings of a driving belt of the camshaft, at first the lower left, and then top and lower right.
12. To weaken nuts of the holder of a tension roller and a lock-nut of management of the clown.
13. By means of a square clip with the party of 6 mm for management of the clown to squeeze a spring together with the holder of a tension roller.
14. To tighten a lock-nut. The belt is weakened.
15. To take off a belt, trying not to bend it. If the gear belt is reused, it should be noted the direction of its rotation.
Models 1580 of cm3 and 1905 cm3 with 8 valves since 1992 and manual adjustment of a tension of a belt, and also all models 1761 of cm3 and 1998 cm3 with 8 valves (difference)
16. For fixing of pulleys of the drive of the mechanism of gas distribution it is necessary to use a core with a diameter of 10 mm on the one hand and 8 mm with another.
17. To weaken a bolt, the fixing pulley of the mechanism of a tension of a gear belt and to turn a pulley clockwise, using the key of square section corresponding to an opening in a pulley nave. It is reliable to tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley repeatedly.
Cm3 models 1905 with 16 valves (difference)
18. To weaken the mechanism of a tension of a forward part of a gear belt and bolts of a back pulley of the mechanism of a tension. To turn a forward pulley in the direction clockwise, using the key of square section corresponding to an opening in a pulley nave and it is reliable to tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley repeatedly. To similarly turn a back pulley in the direction counterclockwise and it is reliable to tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley repeatedly.
19. To check the provision of pulleys of the camshaft, cores of blocking of a bent shaft, to remove and examine a gear belt.
20. To weaken a bolt of fixing of the back mechanism of a tension of a pulley of a gear belt, to turn a pulley in the direction clockwise and to repeatedly tighten a bolt of fastening of a pulley.
Cm3 models 1998 with 16 valves (difference)
21. To weaken bolts of fastening of two forward assemblies of the mechanism of a tension.
22. To weaken nuts of the holder of a tension roller and a lock-nut of management of the clown.
23. To move a tension mechanism pulley on the maximum distance from a belt, using a key of square section and to take off a gear belt (see rice. An arrangement of a gear belt – cm3 model 1998 with 16 valves).
Installation of a driving belt of the camshaft
And, In – fixing of gear wheels before their removal,
With, D – signs on a gear belt and on pulleys
The sequence of installation of a gear belt of the drive (cm3 engines 1905 with 16 valves)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 – the sequence of installation of a gear belt of the drive
Models 1580 of cm3 and 1905 cm3 with 8 valves till 1992 with the semi-automatic tension device of a belt
1. Before installation of a belt on the former place completely to clear pulleys of the drive of a gear belt. To check smoothness of rotation of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension.
2. It is correct to install the camshaft, inserting into the appropriate place through a camshaft pulley a special core.
3. To put a belt to the place of its installation, in view of the arrows specifying the direction of its movement. To put on a belt a pulley of a bent shaft.
4. To clear a head part of a bent shaft, a pulley and its bolt.
5. To establish on the end of a bent shaft a pulley without tightening of elements of fastening.
6. Inserting a core through a pulley, to check the provision of a bent shaft.
7. To place a belt at first on a camshaft pulley, then on a tension roller and, at last, on a pulley of the pump of cooling liquid.
8. To weaken a lock-nut of management of the clown and by means of the square holder with the party of 6 mm to move the clown to the provision of a conclusion (the tension roller will automatically cause a tension).
9. To be convinced that the cam of the clown is in the provision of a conclusion (will turn down) and does not pass at the top a disk of the pump of cooling liquid.
10. To take both cores.
11. To tighten nuts of the holder of a tension roller and the clown's lock-nut.
12. By means of a bolt of a pulley to turn a bent shaft of the engine on two turns so that to install the cylinder 1 piston in VMT (the sign on a flywheel has to be opposite to the sign "0" of plasticity of adjustment of ignition). Elements of gas distribution will be in the provision submitted on rice. Installation of a driving belt of the camshaft.
13. To weaken and tighten nuts (1) and a lock-nut.
14. To turn a bent shaft of the engine to the provision of fixing by cores of elements of the drive of gas distribution. By means of two cores to check gas distribution installation. If cores are not inserted, then it is necessary to repeat all operations.
15. To connect a weight wire to the accumulator.
Models 1580 of cm3 and 1905 cm3 with 8 valves s1992 years and manual adjustment of a tension of a belt, and also all models 1761 of cm3 and 1998 cm3 with 8 valves (difference)
16. To establish a gear belt of the drive as it is described above.
17. To weaken a bolt of fastening of a pulley of the mechanism of a tension.
18. To install for measurement of a tension of a belt the special measuring equipment on a forward branch of a belt.
19. To adjust that the initial tension of a belt was 16 ± 2 units in cm3 model 1998 with 8 valves and 30 ± 2 units – on all other models.
20. To turn several times a bent shaft and to repeatedly measure a tension of a forward branch of a belt which has to make 44 ± 2 units.
21. In the absence of the measuring instrument of a tension of a belt to pull a belt so that it was possible big and index fingers to turn a forward branch of a belt on 90 °. After adjustment of a tension of a belt to tighten all bolts.
Cm3 models 1905 with 16 valves (difference)
22. To weaken tension mechanism bolts so that they could be turned easily (see rice. The sequence of installation of a gear belt of the drive (cm3 engines 1905 with 16 valves)).
23. To move forward and back pulleys of the mechanism of a tension to a gear belt before full contact with it then to tighten bolts.
24. To move a forward pulley of the mechanism of a tension in the direction counterclockwise before the full choice of a gap and in this situation to tighten bolts. To similarly establish a back pulley of the mechanism of a tension.
25. In the presence of the measuring equipment to pull a forward branch of a belt to 19 units.
26. To weaken a bolt of fastening of a back pulley of the mechanism of a tension and to turn a pulley clockwise to a tension of a forward branch of a belt equal to 21 units.
27. In the absence of the measuring instrument of a tension of a belt to pull a belt so that it was possible big and index fingers to turn on 45 ° a forward branch of a belt between a pulley of the camshaft and a pulley of the mechanism of a tension. After adjustment of a tension of a belt to tighten all bolts.
28. To turn several times a bent shaft and to repeatedly measure a tension of a forward branch of a belt between a pulley of the camshaft and a pulley of the mechanism of a tension which has to make 45 ± 5 units.
Cm3 models 1998 with 16 valves (difference)
29. To move a tension mechanism pulley so that the forward branch of a belt stretched to 45 units, and then to establish a belt 22 tension ± 2 units.
30. To weaken a bolt of fastening of a back pulley of the mechanism of a tension and to turn a pulley counterclockwise to a tension of a forward branch of a belt equal 32 ± to 2 units.
31. In the absence of the measuring instrument of a tension of a belt to pull a belt so that it was possible big and index fingers to turn on 45 ° a forward branch of a belt between a pulley of the camshaft and a pulley of the mechanism of a tension. After adjustment of a tension of a belt to tighten all bolts.
32. To turn several times a bent shaft and to repeatedly measure a tension of a forward branch of a belt between a pulley of the camshaft and a pulley of the mechanism of a tension which has to make 53 ± 2 units.