
1.21. Automatic transmission

Provisions of the lever of the selector

At transfer of the lever of the selector to the following provisions: Р R, R N, N 4, 3 2, 1 needs to be pressed the button (1) on the selector lever.

Р – parking blocking,
R – reverse gear,
N – neutral position (idling position),
D – automatic switching of four transfers,
3 – automatic switching of the first three transfers,
2 – automatic switching of the first two transfers,
1 – the movement only on the first transfer


The device of compulsory anticipatory switching to lower transfer, or KICK-DOWN, provides the acceleration of the car, maximum on these traffic conditions. As soon as pressure upon a pedal of an accelerator exceeds a certain threshold value, depending on the frequency of rotation of the engine and speed of the movement there is a switching to one of lower transfers. The return switching to the next higher transfer will follow only when the most admissible value of frequency of rotation of a bent shaft is reached.


Keep in mind that on the slippery road driving wheels at compulsory anticipatory switching to lower transfer can begin to revolve.